COVID-19 Compliant Shiatsu
It is perfectly natural and completely understandable in these times to want to know if your therapist is doing all that they should, and all that they can, to avoid spreading COVID-19 (as well as other nasties). Prior to my return to work after the recent lockdown, I have read government documents and applied common sense to ensure that I have reduced all the risks that I am able to whilst still providing a hands on service.

The general guidelines I have put in place to keep my clients, and myself safe are as follows:
Prior to your appointment, you should ask yourself and all other members of you household the following questions:
- Have I had a recent onset of a new or continuous cough?
- Do I have a high temperature?
- Have I noticed a loss of, or change in, my normal sense of taste or smell?
In order to keep everybody as safe as possible:
- On arrival hands must be washed with soap for 20 seconds or sanitised
- All equipment will be cleaned before and after use
- All towels and cloths will be washed at 60 degrees after each use
- I will wash or sanitise my hands before commencing treatment and at the end of the treatment
- I will wear a face covering
- I will wear over clothes (like scrubs) that will be changed between clients
- I recommend that you wear a face covering during the treatment, however this is not compulsory
- Only one client is to be present in the treatment area

Test and Trace
"In instances where you are contacted via the Test and Trace service, having been in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, you will still need to self isolate even if you are wearing a visor at work"
The above exert taken from Government Guidelines
It is important that I have your up to date details in order for test and trace to be effective, your details will be kept in accordance with my privacy policy, which you can find HERE and are GDPR compliant. For the purposes of test and trace I am required to keep your details for 21 days, however, please be aware that I am required to keep client records for 7 years to be compliant with other regulations.
If you would like further information regarding the Governement Guidelines I am obliged to follow, you can follow these links: